June 13, 2007

they call me mellow yellow...

It seems that everything in my life is turning yellow instead of rosy lol...

Just look at my beautiful Golden Rain Tree that has burst into bloom this last week. I love this tree, & each year it just keeps amazing me. My Grandmother gave me a seedling off her own tree the year before she passed away. I have nurtured it thru two severe droughts & a box-elder beetle infestation & even my LittleMan breaking branches trying to climb it & this is my reward! My sweet tree has put out the MOST blooms I have ever seen on it... I took this picture yesterday, & I swear this morning more blooms have opened & are literally causing the branches to droop with their weight! It is even making seed pods, so I'm sure by this autumn there will be thousands little bronze-colored "bells" covering it & accenting the orange-red of the leaves. My kiddos love playing with the bells that fall on the ground, opening them to find the round black seeds.

And now for some more yellow...

I finished my first dishcloth KAL weeks ago, but never posted a pic of it. With the bright sunny yellow cotton used, can you guess what it was? Here's a pic so you can see if you guessed right...

Yeppers! It's Tweety Bird! Big thanks to Alli for designing such a cute cloth that my LittleMan absolutely adores... he has already used it in his bath several times. The Mr. recently bought a Looney Tunes DVD Collection & they both watch them together, so this was just perfect for him! Now if someone will just design a My Little Pony cloth I can make for my MissPriss, we'll be in business LOL!

Also, I just found out that another of my neighbors is having a baby YAY! This one isn't due until January... but I already want to start a Zodiac Sleep Sack, & since I can't know yet if it's a boy or girl on the way, guess which color yarn I'm buying this weekend... yup, YELLOW!

~~~the universal non-gender-specific color for babies~~~~

The other option would have been green, but the mom-to-be hates green, so yellow it is.

Now I'm off to gather the kiddos for lunch... they are out back, under our yellow tree, playing in the yellow sprinkler. I got a good 2 rows on my ripple baby blankie & this post done while they were out. Thanks goodness for summer & pretty shade trees!

June 4, 2007


I know it's been a long while since I've posted... been busy with the end of the school year & Big Guy graduating kindergarten & all that. But I just HAD to pass this along!

A wonderful knitter named Dorothy is trying to raise $2000 for her Relay For Life team. And her hubby doesn't think she can pull it off ~grrrr~ so if she can get all the money he is going to pose for a pic on his knees begging her (& the knitster community's) forgiveness. Plus she has all these wondreful yarns, patterns, & photos for prizes!

THIS IS THE LAST WEEK, & she is over halfway there! So go give her blog a visit & click on her Donate button to be entered in the contests. It's only $10 CAD & you can win some yummy yarn & make her hubby eat crow! LOL!


Dorthy met her goal & then some! Congrats & thanks to everyone for helping her pull it off! Be sure to go back to her blog & see pics of the Relay & then scroll down for pics of her hubby eating crow (& his hat)!!

May 23, 2007

on the needles...

I'm doin' a KAL!! It's my first ever, & it's a dishcloth designed by Alli at Rachel's Knitting Room. Feel free to join in... we're only on day 3, & I'm already a day behind lol so it's not too late for you to make one too. I need to get some of those meters over in the sidebar so y'all can see just how many projects I have going on right now... & how far I am from finishing every one! And I just bought 2 doll/baby outfit patterns off ebay this morning too, one to make for my preggo neighbor, & the other for my Miss Priss' dollies. You don't even want to know how much housework I should be doing right now, instead of knitting & posting... but there's always tomorrow, right???

May 22, 2007


Well, here it is...

my little home on the net for all my hopes & dreams & finished or forgotten projects. Hopefully I can even share some of my patterns if I can ever get my act together!
If you enjoy crochet or knitting, then maybe you will come back to see what all this okie gal can get herself into...